Last updated: November 7, 2024
The education, training and experience documented below is relevant to my therapy / counselling / coaching practice, Chaplaincy work, and facilitation of discussion and study groups.
Formal / Theoretical Education:
- Certified LEVEL 2 Sacred Attention Therapy, Cortijo Llano de Manzano, Granada Spain, July 2020.
- Foundation for Inner Peace. Course in Miracles. 2009 – present (ongoing).
- Sanctuary of the Beloved. Ordained Minister (Interfaith). 2010.
- Mount Saint Vincent University. 3 years undergraduate studies in psychology (1992-1995).
Experiential Training:
- 1000+ hours clinical therapy / counselling
- 3000+ hours facilitating psycho-spiritual discussion / study groups
- 100+ hours Chaplaincy (focus on visitation with sick, infirm and dying)
- Daily yoga practice (Hatha, Yin, Ashtanga)
- Daily meditation practice
Additional Experiential Training:
- Co-Founder, The Center for Human Awakening, 2016 - present
- Co-Founder, Sacred Attention Therapy Online Training Course, 2015 - present
- Visiting Chaplain, Algonquin College Spirituality Centre, Woodroffe Campus (2014-2015)
Professional Development Courses / Lectures:
- Conference: Leading Out Of Pain – Victims’ Pastoral Care 26-Apr-12
- Conference: Deep Truth (Gregg Braden) 11-May-12
- Conference: Deep Truth (Gregg Braden) 12-May-12
- Lecture: The Feeling Practice of Awareness – Part 1 17-Oct-12
- Lecture: The Feeling Practice of Awareness – Part 2 24-Oct-12
- Lecture: Absolute Freedom: The Path to Love, Devotion… - Part 1 14-Nov-12
- Lecture: Absolute Freedom: The Path to Love, Devotion… - Part 2 21-Nov-21
- Lecture: Honoring the Gate: Blessing, Gratitude… - Part 1 12-Dec-12
- Lecture: Honoring the Gate: Blessing, Gratitude… - Part 2 19-Dec-12
- Lecture: The 3 Stages of Awakening - Part 1 09-Jan-13
- Lecture: Sacred Attention: Awakening, Liberation, Spirituality 16-Jan-13
- Lecture: Sacred Attention: Awakening, Liberation, Spirituality 30-Jan-13
- Lecture: The 3 Stages of Awakening - Part 2 06-Feb-13
- Lecture: The Heart of Compassion 20-Feb-13
- Lecture: How the Soul is Born into the World 06-Mar-13
- Lecture: Authentic Love and The Birth of The Soul 20-Mar-13
- Lecture: The Intuition of Eternity 03-Apr-13
- Lecture: The End of Seeking 17-Apr-13
- Lecture: Threshold of Transformation 08-May-13
- Lecture: The Crucible of Awakening (Part 1) 22-May-13
- Lecture: Awakening the Heart Nature (Part 1) 05-Jun-13
- Lecture: The Crucible of Awakening (Part 2) 19-Jun-13
- Lecture: Awakening the Heart Nature (Part 2) 03-Jul-13
- Lecture: The Philozovo: Responding to The Call of The Divine 17-Jul-13
- Lecture: The Novena Teachings: Surrender 18-Sep-13
- Lecture: The Novena Teachings: Relationships 02-Oct-13
- Lecture: The Novena Teachings: Anger 16-Oct-13
- Lecture: The Noveva Teachings: Now 30-Oct-13
- Lecture: The Novena Teachings: Disenchantment 13-Nov-13
- Lecture: The Novena Teachings: Love 27-Nov-13
- Lecture: The Novena Teachings: Maturity 11-Dec-13
- Lecture: The Hsüan-Hsüeh Discourses: Penetrating Wisdom 12-Feb-14
- Lecture: The Hsüan-Hsüeh Discourses: Transcending Separation 26-Feb-14
- Lecture: The Hsüan-Hsüeh Discourses: Locating Destiny 12-Mar-14
- Lecture: Hsuan-Hsueh - Spiritual Baptism 27-Mar-14
- Lecture: Silent Thunder - The Crucible of Awakening - Part 1 14-May-14
- Lecture: Silent Thunder - The Crucible of Awakening - Part 2 28-May-14
- Lecture: Silent Thunder - Awakening the Heart Nature - Part 1 11-Jun-14
- Lecture: Silent Thunder - Awakening the Heart Nature - Part 2 25-Jun-14
- Lecture: Silent Thunder - The Philozovo 23-Jul-14
- Lecture: Being Born A Human Being 01-Jul-15
- Lecture: Who Needs A Guru? 15-Jul-15
- Lecture: To Realize Consciousness 05-Aug-15
- Lecture: Resistance to Freedom 19-Aug-15
- Lecture: Poor or Rich? A Discussion of Vision 02-Sep-15
- Lecture: I Am Responsible for Myself / I am Responsible for You 16-Sep-15
- Lecture: Wherefore Art Thou? The God who has Forsaken me... 30-Sep-15
- Lecture: Arriving at Truth 14-Oct-15
- Lecture: A Spiritual Autobiography 28-Oct-15
Books and Texts Studied:
- Sacred texts of the Faith Traditions:
- Buddhism - Dhammapada, The Tibetan Book of the Dead
- Christianity - The Holy Bible
- Confucianism - Analects, Doctrine of the Mean, Great Learning
- Hinduism - Bhagavad Gita, Upanishads
- Islam - Koran
- Judaism - Torah
- Taoism - Tao Te Ching
- The Baha`i Faith - The Hidden Words, The Book of Certitude (Kitab-i-lqan),
The Seven Valleys and The Four Valleys
- A Caregiver's Guide: A Handbook About End-of-Life Care - Canadian Hospice Palliative Care Association
- A Course in Miracles - Foundation for Inner Peace
- A Course in Mysticism and Miracles: Begin Your Spiritual Adventure - Jon Mundy
- A Healed Mind Does Not Plan - Allen A. Watson
- Active Spirituality: A Guide for Seekers and Ministers - Kent Ira Groff
- All Pets Go to Heaven: The Spiritual Lives of The Animals we Love - Sylvia Browne
- Astāvakra Saṁhitā - Swami Nityaswarupananda
- Art of Happiness (The) - His Holiness the Dalai Lama and Howard C. Cutler, M.D.
- Art of True Healing (The) - Israel Regardie
- At the Feet of the Master - Jiddu Krishnamurti
- Autobiography of A Yogi - Paramahansa Yogananda
- Barefoot on Holy Ground: Twelve Lessons in Spiritual Craftsmanship - Gloria D. Karpinski
- Be an Island: The Buddhist Practice of Inner Peace - Ayya Khema
- Becoming Enlightened - His Holiness The Dalai Lama
- Bible Code (The) - Michael Drosnin
- Bible Code II (The): The Countdown - Michael Drosnin
- Book of Secret Wisdom (The): The Prophetic Record of Human Destiny and Evolution - Translated from the Senzar by Zinovia Dushkova
- Both my Houses: From Politics to Priesthood - Sean O'Sullivan
- Case for God (The) - Karen Armstrong
- Coming Back to Life: The After-Effects of the Near-Death Experience - P.M.H. Atwater
- Complete I Ching (The) -- Taoist Master Alfred Huang
- Crystal Bible (The): A Definitive Guide to Crystals - Judy Hall
- Cunningham's Guide to Hawaiian Magic & Spirituality - Scott Cunningham
- Dharma Sky: Talks on Psychological and Spiritual Understanding and Renewal for the Modern Era - Richard Harvey
- Dialogue on Awakening - Tom and Linda Carpenter
- Edgar Cayce's Story of the Old Testament: From Solomon's Glories to the Birth of Jesus - Robert W. Krajenke
- Essenes (The): Children of the Light - Stuart Wilson and Joanna Prentis
- Essential Rumi (The) - Translations by Coleman Barks
- Facing East, Praying West: Poetic Reflections on the Spiritual Exercises - Kent Ira Groff
- Falling into Grace: Insights on The End of Suffering - Adyashanti
- Finding our Way Again: The Return of the Ancient Practices - Brian McLaren
- Flight of Consciousness: A Contemporary Map for the Spiritual Journey - Richard Harvey
- Forgiveness: The Greatest Healer of All - Gerald G. Jampolsky, M.D.
- Gift of Years (The): Growing Older Gracefully - Joan Chittister
- Glimpses of World Religions - Jaico Publishing House
- Golf and the Spirit: Lessons for The Journey - M. Scott Peck
- Golf for Enlightenment - Deepak Chopra
- Good-bye to Guilt: Releasing Fear Through Forgiveness - Gerald G. Jampolsky, M.D.
- Great Religions of the World - Huston Smith, et. al.
- Hand in Hand: Recovery and Miracles - Bette Jean Cundiff
- Healing Your Rift with God: A Guide to Spiritual Renewal and Ultimate Healing - Paul Sibcy
- Heart of the Soul (The): Emotional Awareness - Gary Zukav and Linda Francis
- Hidden Messages in Water (The) - Masaru Emoto
- Hidden Spirituality of Men (The): Ten Metaphors to Awaken the Sacred Masculine - Matthew Fox
- How Can I Help: Stories and Reflections on Service - Ram Dass and Paul Gorman
- How to Know God: The Soul's Journey Into The Mystery of Mysteries - Deepak Chopra, M.D.
- "I AM DISCOURSES" (The): Saint Germain Series Volume 3 - Ascended Master Saint Germain
- In This Very Life: Liberation Teachings of the Buddha - Sayadaw U Panita
- It's All Mind: The Simplified Philosophy of A Course in Miracle - Edwin Navarro
- Jesus and Israel - Jules Isaac
- Jewish Way in Death and Mourning (The) - Maurice Lamm
- Journey Home (The) - Allen Watson
- Journey of A Soul - John Roger
- Journey of Awakening: A Meditator's Guidebook - Ram Dass
- Journey of Souls - Michael Newton, Ph.D.
- Journeymen: A Spiritual Guide for Men (and for Women who Want to Understand Them) - Kent Ira Groff
- Ladies and Gentlemen! Daring to live what the soul already knows - John J. Heney
- Laws of Spirit (The): A Tale of Transformation - Dan Millman
- Life You Were Born to Live (The): A Guide to Finding Your Life Purpose - Dan Millman
- Light Inside the Dark (The): Zen, Soul, And The Spiritual Life - John Tarrant
- Lives of the Master: The Rest of the Jesus Story - Glenn Sanderfur
- Living Divine Relationships - Dr. and Master Zhi Gang Sha
- Love is Letting go of Fear - Gerald G. Jampolsky, M.D.
- Magdalen Manuscript (The): The Alchemies of Horus and the Sex Magic of Isis - Tom Kenyon and Judi Sion
- Modern Man in Search of A Soul - Carl G. Jung
- Moksha Dawn: Talks on A Radical and Innovative Approach to Spirituality and the Sacred in the 21st Century - Richard Harvey
- New American Spirituality (The): A Seeker's Guide - Elizabeth Lesser
- On Zen Practice: Body, Breath and Mind - Taizan Maezumi and Bernie Glassman
- Order of Melchizedek (The): Love, Willing Service, and Fulfillment - Rev. Daniel Chesbro
- Out of Darkness Into The Light: A Journey of Inner Healing - Gerald G. Jampolsky, M.D.
- Poetry as Spiritual Practice: Reading, Writing, and Using Poetry in Your Daily Rituals, Aspirations, and Intentions - Robert McDowell
- Red Thread of Passion (The): Spirituality and the Paradox of Sex - David Guy
- Return to The Sacred: Ancient Pathways to Spiritual Awakening - Jonathan A. Allerby
- Ringing Cedar Series (The) - Vladimir Megre (9 books)
- Saint (The), the Surfer, and the CEO: A Remarkable Story About Living Your Heart's Desires - Robin Sharma
- Searching for Spiritual Unity...Can There Be Common Ground? - Robyn E. Lebron
- Seat of the Soul (The) - Gary Zukav
- Secret Life of Plants (The) - Peter Tompkins and Christopher Bird
- $elling Spirituality: The Silent Takeover of Religion - Jeremy Carrette and Richard King
- Sex, Spirit and You - John Roger
- Shame: The Exposed Self - Michael Lewis
- Soul of Tomorrow's Church (The): Weaving Spiritual Practices in Ministry Together - Kent Ira Groff
- Spirit Whisperer (The): Chronicles of A Medium - John Holland
- Spiritual Labyrinth (The): A Guide Through the Myths, Symbols, Practices and Pitfalls of New Age Philosophy - June Mewhort
- Spiritual Practices for Beginners and Leaders - Kent Ira Groff
- Spirituality Matters for Committee Meetings - Kent Ira Groff
- Staying Well With Guided Imagery - Belleruth Naparstek
- Take Me to Truth: Undoing the Ego - Nouk Sanchez and Tomas Vieira
- Thoughts from the Seat of the Soul: Meditations for Souls in Process - Gary Zukav
- Tibetan Book of Living and Dying (The) - Sogyal Rinpoche
- Tom Sawyer and the Spiritual Whirlwind - Sidney Saylor Farr
- Tuesdays with Morrie - Mitch Albom
- Ultimate Crystal (The) - Jennifer Bernius
- Walking A Sacred Path: Rediscovering the Labyrinth as A Spiritual Practice - Lauren Artress
- Way of the Shaman (The) - Michael Harner
- Way of Mastery (The) - Shanti Christo Foundation
- What Animals Can Teach Us about Spirituality: Inspiring Lessons from Wild and Tame Creatures - Diana L. Guerrero
- What Tom Sawyer Learned from Dying - Sidney Saylor Farr
- What Would I Believe If I Didn't Believe Anything?: A Handbook for Spiritual Orphans - Kent Ira Groff
- Why Cafe (The) - John P. Strelecky
- Wisdom of Solitude (The): A Zen Retreat in the Woods - Jane Dobisz
- Wisdom Walk: Nine Practices for Creating Peace and Balance from the World's Spiritual Traditions - Sage Bennet, PhD
- Wounded Healer (The): Ministry in Contemporary Society - Henri J. M. Nouwen
- Writing Tides: Finding Grace and Growth through Writing - Kent Ira Groff
- You're Not Sick, You're Thirsty!: Water for Health, for Healing, for Life - F. Batmanghelidj, M.D.
- Your Essential Self: The Inner Journey to Authenticity and Spiritual Enlightenment - Richard Harvey
- Zen Buddhism - Christmas Humphreys
- Zoroastrian Faith (The) - S.A. Nigosian