Spiritual Guidance is led by Rev. Robert Meagher, an Inter-Faith Minister. We offer a variety of chaplaincy-based services for the sick, infirm, and dying. Follow  this link for more details. 

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Sacred Attention Therapy (SAT) references the etymological meaning of therapy: "attending to soul". SAT is a new paradigm of psychological and spiritual growth and development based on the work of Richard Harvey and his 3-stage model of human awakening. This approach takes into account the ego-based individual and the desire of the individual to grow spiritually. SAT recognizes the fundamental, true, spiritual nature of humanity and the intense longing for the truth about our real, divine state. SAT involves listening with the whole self to the soul of the other. This is what therapy should always be, or at least always aim at, because this is the profound depth of healing and reverence which two gathered together in search of truth can bring about. For more information about SAT, visit this website and/or review this page. Sessions can be offered in person, by phone, or via Skype or Zoom videoconference services.

To schedule an appointment, please contact me by phone (613-204-0299), email, or through the form on the contact us page of this website. 


Spiritual Guidance nurtures a growing and global community of students who study A Course in Miracles (ACIM). We host an ACIM Global Community Centre that offers coaching, counselling, therapy, study and discussion groups, courses, an on-line community discussion board, and a plethora of on-line resources to aide your study of ACIM. Follow this link for more details.

Sacred Attention TherapyACIMSilent SatsangMinistry ServicesHealers Group


This group provides support and development for students and practicing therapists, counselors, and healers who wish to reflect on the issues that arise in their practices. Follow this link for more details.


The literal translation of Satsang is often expressed as "Sitting in the company of truth." These Silent Satsangs will invite participants to develop and nurture a relationship with their own guru, their 'higher Self,' and find the answers they need at their spiritual altar. These gatherings will indeed see you 'sitting in the company of Truth'...the Truth that is YOU. Follow  this link for more details.