3 Lines of Healing : Spiritual Guidance Blog
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3 Lines of Healing

by Robert Meagher on 01/02/17

“Let go of what was

Accept what is

Have faith in what will be”

~ Unknown


The above three lines came into my life recently and they may be among three of the most healing verses I have ever come across.

Let go of what was. This may be the ultimate clarion call for true forgiveness. To simply let go of what was. Anything and everything. Not only the things I thought others did, but even things I thought I did. This line is equally the invitation to let go of our story; the story of who we think we are; the story of our limiting beliefs and self-inflicted suffering. Simply let go. Let go of it all. Clear the slate. Awaken to the truth of our divinity.

Accept what is. If this verse is not an invitation for surrender, acceptance, and peace of mind, I don’t know what is. As the first verse may be the ultimate clarion call for true forgiveness, this verse may be the ultimate harbinger for reality. Whatever is, is. There is no changing what is now, because our thoughts have made it what it is, now. Our reality is none other than what is, now.

Have faith in what will be. Isn’t this beautiful?! Have faith. Have hope. I’ve heard it said that take away everything from a man or woman, but if he or she still has hope, he or she has everything. So even if what is, now, may not be to our liking or preference, we can still have hope that the next moment, or day, or week, or year…will be different, maybe even better. One thing is for sure…having faith in what will be is our calling to practice the first two verses in this passage: to (a) let go of what was; and (b) accept what is. This is our hope; our only hope for true forgiveness, peace, joy, and love.

Over the past week I have been using these three verses as a new and welcomed mantra. It has allowed me to stop resisting life. It has allowed me to allow. It has enabled me to release pain and suffering. It has allowed me to come into a deeper peace.

And so this is my invitation for you, dear friends. I invite you to recite these 3 lines first thing in the morning for 10 straight days. See what your life brings you.

Comments (1)

1. Lorna Bryant said on 1/3/17 - 01:46AM
These 3 lines of healing are so essential for everyone. Bless you for sharing dearest Robert. OM Shanti ?

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Shanti, Namaste, Agapé,

Rev. Robert Meagher