Are You Open? : Spiritual Guidance Blog
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Are You Open?

by Robert Meagher on 06/03/16

Have you ever noticed how the same people keep showing up in your life? I don’t mean the exact same person, but more the same personality keeps showing up in your life. You notice it more acutely when the same sort of aggravating or annoying personality keeps showing up in your life.

Over the past seven years I have facilitated a lot of different study and discussion groups. Inevitably, one person shows up who wants to change things—sometimes just a little, sometimes a lot! Perhaps they want to change the format; sometimes they want to change the date, time, or duration of the meetings; sometimes they want to change the content and purpose of the group. It never fails; this dear soul eventually shows up at the study and discussion groups I host and wants to change things. Oh!...did I mention that in each of these cases no one was asked for their opinion; the dear soul simply came forward to ask for the changes.

These unsolicited requests always rattled the ‘controlling’ side of my personality. And I would always have a tendency to, at first, meet these unsolicited requests with resistance. I would always listen to what the person had to say and, many times, I would actually make changes based on their suggestions. But the underlying resistance remained and the frustration of having to make changes persisted.

So when the latest of these personalities showed up at a group I recently launched, I recognized them right away. In this case, the group had not even met for the first time and this dear soul was already making suggestions for change. The same old feelings came up for me again: the resistance; the frustration.

So I decided to heal these ongoing, repetitive, devolving emotions by simply being open to the possibility I had something to learn from this person. I trusted that this dear soul had come into my life for a reason (I may never know why in this lifetime) and there was something I had to learn from them. My change of mind and approach allowed my resentment and frustration to fade away.

In the latest example, some changes were made to the group’s functioning. But the real difference was how I reacted to the changes. I let go of my need to control and went with the flow. I realized nothing was ‘mine’ in this endeavor and process, and allowed myself to be open to letting go and going with the flow.

The next time that same ‘ole personality shows up in your life, just be open to them. See what happens.

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Shanti, Namaste, Agapé,

Rev. Robert Meagher