Enlightenment Without The Fanfare
by Robert Meagher on 02/06/25
use of miracles as spectacles to induce belief is a misunderstanding of their
- A
Course in Miracles (T-1.I.10)
There was a recent experience I want to share with you. Some
may call it an awakening. Others may call it enlightenment. I will simply refer
to it as an awareness.
I was having a rather peaceful week; each afternoon and evening
I sat in meditation. Each sitting brought an awareness of the beauty around me.
As I glanced out my living room window, the trees, the sky, the lights of the
city, everything took on a beauty that felt more significant, more illumined,
than I had noticed before. There was an expansive feeling to the moments.
As I sat with the awareness, on one day, my thoughts started
to drift to recent events and people. As each event or person passed through my
mind, I felt only beauty and love for the event or individuals involved.
Whereas previous moments may have been only fleeting when experienced, these
recent feelings of beauty and love remained with me for many minutes.
One of the events and people that revealed unprecedented
teachings was the recent US election and Donald Trump. As I thought about the
events, the election results, and Donald Trump himself, I just kept smiling and
feeling only beauty and love for the event, the election results, and Donald
Trump. Whereas earlier thoughts on the same may have resulted in a moment of
the beauty and love, and then other fear thoughts would race in, I remained in
this beauty and love for several minutes; just sitting there with only beauty
and love surrounding my thoughts.
There was an awareness of the perfection of it all—the
event, the election results, and Donald Trump. The awareness of the perfection
of it all brought with it a most precious teaching. I humbly realized that not
only did I not understand the event, the election results, or Donald Trump, but
I no longer understand anything happening outside of me. I don’t know what
anything outside of me is for. Furthermore, there is an awareness that it is
all meaningless.
Even my inner work, all the time and energy I have seemingly
spent on my spiritual growth and development, it too is not understandable. It
too is meaningless. This does not mean the inner work has been without purpose.
In and of itself, it is all meaningless, whether inner work, or outer work. It
is only my thoughts about the unfolding that give it any meaning to me.
In my sittings, the awareness and gifts continued being
offered to me. As I sat with the preceding awarenesses, there was an awareness
that I no longer need to understanding anything. I no longer need to try
to figure out the inner or outer world. I simply need, if anything, to witness
it, and then let it go. This awareness offered me great freedom.
More important and significant than all the preceding, was
the awareness to acknowledge the awareness, but to let it go and move on.
Fixating on these moments in time, these windows on reality, on truth, will
serve no one. The gift in these experiences, as egoic as they are, is to let
them go and move beyond them. Cling to nothing.
I have had many of these types of experiences over the
years. But this one is different in a significant way. I remember it! All
previous illuminating experiences came and went, often without my being able to
remember any of them. There would have been an awareness that something
transpired, and it was a beautiful teaching, but I could not remember the
details, the teaching. Sometimes I have scurried to a notepad to try and
capture the teaching, but before I even got to the notepad, ‘puff!,’ it’s gone.
This teaching has stuck with me weeks after the experience.
The preceding experience, the awareness, came without
fanfare. There was no ‘illumination,’ no rapture. The skies did no open up. The
seas did not part. It was rather subdued. Gentle. Sublime. It was like any
other experience really. This one differed only in that it has brought a new
way of looking at the world, my thoughts about the world, and how I choose to
live within the world. There is a beautiful teaching… “Before enlightenment,
chop wood, carry water. After enlightenment, chop wood, carry water.” These
experiences don’t change our life, yet our life changes. Not because of the
experience, but because of our awareness of the experience. It’s all egoic,
afterall. All of it! Let it all go. Be grateful for the experience, but let it
all go, move on and be aware in the next moment. For Robin Wall Kimmerer offers
us… “Maybe there is no such thing as time; there are only moments, each with
its own story.”
Robert Meagher has
been ordained as an Interfaith Minister and certified as a Sacred Attention Therapy (SAT) Therapist. Robert is the Founder and Spiritual
Director for Spiritual Guidance and Co-Founder of the Center for Human Awakening.