Everything Was Perfect! : Spiritual Guidance Blog
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Everything Was Perfect!

by Robert Meagher on 03/02/16

In late December I treated myself to a skating adventure on an outdoor rink in front of Ottawa City Hall. Our Municipal Government maintains an outdoor skating rink from the beginning of December to mid-March (weather permitting). Even though the weather had been unseasonably warm in Ottawa in December, the ice making and maintenance technology allowed the rink to stay open from 6am – 11pm each and every day, unless it is raining and/or the temperature rose above 10oC.

It was a mere 0oC (again, unseasonably warm for this time of year in Ottawa), no wind, the sky was clear, the stars were twinkling and the moon was a glow. I walked a couple of blocks to the rink, through trees and shrubs adorned with Christmas lights. As I rounded the corner of City Hall, to the front of the building where the rink was located, I was greeted with a glowing, neo-light flashing skating rink that was already being enjoyed by dozens of other happy and joyous skaters. I smiled at the scene.

I headed for the heated (yes…heated!) changing hut where I was able to lace up my skates in warmth and comfort. After getting myself all ready for my skating odyssey, I made my way to the skating oval. I stepped on to the smooth and beautifully-prepared ice surface and began to glide my way around the rink.

The park where the skating rink was located was adorned with small and large trees that were decorated in the yuletide tradition. Across a street was another park that had an even more elaborate and impressive display of Christmas lights, as part of an annual tradition of “Lights Across Canada.” There was Christmas music piped over loud speakers. There was even the wonderful and intoxicating aroma of Beavertails brewing at a concession stand beside the rink. (Beavertails are flattened, donut-like delights that are glazed or smothered in a variety of delectable toppings.)

Thirty-or-so other skaters were enjoying the experience with me. We were all gliding around this wonderful outdoor facility—the ice surface, the lights, the seasonal decoration, the Christmas carols, the smell of delightful delicacies wafting through the air, the moonlight…—it was all perfect!

I looked around at the wonder of it all. There were people of all ages, races, males and females, everyone smiling, laughing, and enjoying themselves. There were kids racing around the rink. There were people trying to skate for the first time. There were seasoned skaters, and those who were spinning their way around the rink in a graceful and effortless way. None of it mattered—whether young, old, male, female, novice, accomplished, or professional—everyone was joining with the other in a wonderful outdoor celebration.

As I inhaled the wonder of it all, I thought… “What would life be like if I could live in this wonder at all times? How could I extend this vision to envelop every aspect of my life?”

What do you think?

Comments (2)

1. Bonnie C said on 4/12/16 - 07:42AM
you captured it here - a feeling of pure happiness at what is, in the moment.
2. Robert Meagher said on 4/12/16 - 09:21AM
Thank you, Bonnie C, for enjoying the BLOG and for sharing your comments and reflections. Much love and blessings being extended to you.

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Shanti, Namaste, Agapé,

Rev. Robert Meagher