Freedom 2.0 : Spiritual Guidance Blog
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Freedom 2.0

by Robert Meagher on 11/05/14

“ We seek peace, knowing that peace is the climate of freedom.”

Dwight D. Eisenhower

As summer bares its last vestiges of warm breezes and long, sun-filled days, I am reminded of the many blessings this past summer offered me. It was one of the most memorable summers I experienced in many years. The primary reason for this memorable summer was the re-birth of a freedom that allowed me to re-discover my inner child and the wonders associated with such experiences.

One day in early summer I woke with the spontaneous decision to buy myself a bicycle. I shopped around for a second-hand bicycle and after a couple of week’s searching, a wonderful, barely-used bicycle came into my life. I took my new bicycle to a local bicycle repair shop for a tune-up and it was good as new!

Off I went!...exploring the many kilometers of dedicated bicycle paths in and around Ottawa. It had been many years since I rode a bicycle and many years since I had explored the bicycle path network in Ottawa. Each time I went for an outing, it was like I was discovering everything for the first time. Most importantly, I was re-discovering that little kid in me that loved to bicycle.

The first and foremost joy was simply being out in the fresh air, feeling the air caressing my skin and blowing through my hair. It was like nectar for the soul. Each and every time I embraced and welcomed this luscious sensation throughout my entire body.

Each time I took to the trails, I explored a new pathway and network of trails. Each outing was an adventure. As my strength and stamina quickly built, I would go out for longer and longer rides. Eventually, I would pack some food and water and head out for hours on end to explore the trails and enjoy the great outdoors.

What I quickly realized was the primary emotion I was feeling was freedom. Freedom 2.0, if you will—a re-discovering of the playful freedom we feel as a kid. That uninhibited freedom to just be who we are and discover life on its terms, not ours. To accept life as it comes, not as we expect or want it to be. To laugh and play with reckless abandon. To live, laugh and love.

“Could this be what life is all about?,” I would ask myself while peddling my way all over Ottawa. “Is it really this simple? To simply do what makes you happy and full of joy? Can the soul live in this state permanently?” I pondered these questions each and every time I hopped on my beautiful bicycle, and I began to revere my bicycle and outings as my own personal therapy.

“Where had these child-like feelings and emotions gone all these years? Why all of a sudden have they returned? Can I keep them?...’cause they feel pretty good!”

What brings out the child in you? How long has it been since that little kid in you has come out to play? Do you miss him or her?

What gives you a sense of freedom? If you are not sure, what do you think gives you a sense of freedom?

Our soul is in a continuous state of freedom. Our daily lives so often result in building up barriers to experiencing and/or feeling that sense of freedom. To paraphrase a wonderful saying from A Course in Miracles, our goal is not to seek for freedom outside ourselves. Our goal is to seek out the barriers to freedom we have built up around ourselves and remove them.

Shanti, Namaste, Agapé,

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Shanti, Namaste, Agapé,

Rev. Robert Meagher