Healing the physical body through forgiveness : Spiritual Guidance Blog
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Healing the physical body through forgiveness

by Robert Meagher on 04/02/16

During a recent study / discussion group I ask participants if they noticed any change to their physical health and body as a result of forgiveness—forgiving other people and forgiving themselves. The responses ranged from the obvious to the miraculous.

Initial responses revealed how people felt an overall ‘sense of relief’ from forgiving that was felt in the body as a relaxing sensation in their chest. Some described this as a freeing of ‘space’ within their body and an overall feeling of expansiveness.

A few people commented that the relief brought about by forgiveness caused them to feel lighter. These people described the feeling as a ‘light of foot’ or floating on air as they walked. They went on to explain that the overall feeling of relief resulted in their bodies feeling lighter and the sense of elation at releasing pent-up tension felt, at times, like overwhelming joy that resulted in ‘walking on clouds.’

One person noticed over time, as result of practicing forgiveness, that their body reacted differently to common colds and influenza. They shared that bouts of colds and flus no longer had the intensity or longevity they used to. Another person shared that they attributed their journey with forgiveness as ridding themselves of long-held ailments and body aches.

Could it be that the simple act of forgiveness can heal the body? My own personal experience with forgiveness has shown me that such possibilities exist. If you have a story to share about how forgiveness healed your body, please share with me. With your permission, I may share it in future newsletters.

Shanti, Namaste, Agapé,

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Shanti, Namaste, Agapé,

Rev. Robert Meagher