Let Life Flow Like A River : Spiritual Guidance Blog
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Let Life Flow Like A River

by Robert Meagher on 12/26/13

Meditation is a centerpiece of my daily spiritual practice.  I meditate several times each day, including at least one extended period of meditation throughout the day.  There is no shortage of published material on meditation.  And there certainly are no lack of meditation techniques, approaches and philosophies.

One common theme in meditative practice is to experience ‘un-attachment’ to the thoughts in our consciousness.  As one meditates, one is capable of letting the clutter of the mind dissolve from our consciousness so that pure thought can emerge.

I have read much about this meditative process or practice of ‘letting go’ or ‘un-attachment’ during meditation.  Often, the analogy of a river is used to explain the process.  That is, when in meditation, whatever thought enters your consciousness, let it flow by, let it go, as if a leaf floating down a stream.  Whatever thought comes into your consciousness, let it go, let if flow by you.  Do not become ‘attached’ to your thoughts; learn to become detached from them.

A couple of years ago I attended a 3-day spiritual retreat in a beautiful rural setting.  The retreat grounds had a slow-moving river bordering one side of the property.  It was a magnificent river.  You could see the flow of the river easily.

I spent as much time as I could by the river during the 3-day retreat.  Sometimes I would meditate; sometimes I would just sit or stand and take in the majestic and tranquil beauty of the river and the rest of nature that was flowing around me.

It was in those moments sitting and standing by the river that the meditative practice discussed above came to life.  As one watched the river, one could see the rays of the sun bounce off the cresting waters to create a dancing light show that glimmered, sparkled and shimmered like gold across the water.  One could see the ripples and momentary waves of white water that would emerge and, no sooner, dissipate as the river just kept flowing, never seeming to end.

If one watched, focused and intent, on an approaching section of water, one witnessed the water change and morph.  What at one point in the river was seemingly calm water, suddenly became embroiled in turmoil—bubbles, ripples, waves—and then, without warning, became calm again and then, nothing…

This continuous movement from calm, to turmoil, to calm again was the un-attached meditative practice unfolding right in front of me.  Each thought is born in a place of peace.  However, when we let it come to the surface, we often experience turmoil, the unbalancing affect of thought.  Then, once we let the thought pass, we are calm again; until the next thought comes along of course.

Meditation is a wonderful tool to practice letting life flow like a river.  Allowing that practice to be with us in every moment is a true gift.  It nurtures inner peace—the joy and love that rests inside each of us that longs to be set free.

Shanti, Namaste, Agapé 

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Shanti, Namaste, Agapé,

Rev. Robert Meagher