Life has become my ‘spiritual practice’ : Spiritual Guidance Blog
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Life has become my ‘spiritual practice’

by Robert Meagher on 04/03/17

When we begin our ‘conscious’ spiritual journey—by ‘conscious’ I mean we become aware we are on a spiritual journey even though we are unconsciously aware of such a journey from the moment we were born into this time and space—we tend toward building a practice to nurture and support our spiritual development. These practices may include reading, yoga, meditation, sangha (or spiritual groups), or any host of other activities or disciplines.

For some, our spiritual practices become the foundation and cornerstone of our lives. We may become very devoted to our spiritual practices. We may set aside time each and every day to honor these practices. Sometimes our practices will evolve as we evolve. So, for example, we may change our meditation or yoga practices by trying different styles of these disciplines.

As we deepen into our respective practices—whatever they may be—something interesting may emerge. The lines among the various practices may begin to blur. As we take time out of our ‘regular’ living to honor our practices, we may discover that our ‘practice’ starts to flow into our regular living. We may begin to notice that our practices merge with our living.

I remember the first time I experienced such an awareness was in cleaning the house one day. I was heavily into yoga at the time and everything became a reason to bring awareness to my breath. So, as I moved throughout the house, dusting, sweeping, and vacuuming, I was aware of my breath. I was aware of how effortless it was to bend and twist and maneuver my body to reach behind and underneath furniture, so long as I remembered to breathe. I became aware of how graceful (for me) I was able to move around the house and clean. It actually became fun!

Recently, after years of daily practice; day after day, after day after day of meditation, yoga, reading, prayer, contemplation, gratitude, forgiveness…I have come to a new awareness of how my spiritual practice is presenting itself in my life.

Life itself has become my spiritual practice. Everything I do, everything I experience…is my spiritual practice. From waking, to ablutions, eating, walking, talking, any and all activity, even my thoughts…have become my spiritual practice. And all the conscious practices that preceded it (the yoga, meditation, etc.) have blended into one, ubiquitous practice—awareness. This awareness is the gift of simply observing. It is made possible through surrender, acceptance, non-judgement, gratitude, and forgiveness.

I now understand why the Eastern masters encouraged the student to pick ‘one’ practice and devote yourself to it. It does not matter what the practice is; it may be knitting or drawing or writing, it may be raising children, or caring for others, it does not matter. Because the practice, any practice, if approached in a devoted way, will bring about awareness. As our awareness grows we are given the opportunity to explore our divinity and uncover the great mystery of life.

Life itself is a spiritual practice. This practice reveals the meaning of life, that life itself is its own meaning.

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Shanti, Namaste, Agapé,

Rev. Robert Meagher