Live Your Life Like A Gentle Breeze : Spiritual Guidance Blog
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Live Your Life Like A Gentle Breeze

by Robert Meagher on 01/14/14

Do you remember it?  That wonderful, blissful moment when a gentle breeze caressed your face; the joy and delight you felt from that unexpected moment; that moment that appeared without notice and left the same way.

Do you remember it?  That serene, contemplative moment when, without asking, you were pleasantly and gratefully aware of something that touched you at your core.  For a moment, you were aware of something ‘other than you’.  For a moment, you were aware of a force that made you realize that life is more than the clutter of our everyday thoughts.

A gentle breeze is a beautiful metaphor for the life I would like to lead.

A gentle breeze presents itself to us without notice;
and yet we welcome it with a blissful recognition that it is exactly what we need in the moment.


A gentle breeze is unobtrusive;
it makes itself known without any fanfare or grand announcement. 


A gentle breeze is refreshing;
it rejuvenates and nourishes us and our souls. 


A gentle breeze is omnipresent;
it is always there…we sometimes are just not open to receiving it.


And as it came to light up our day, it leaves as it entered… 


The gentle breeze leaves as gentle as it came;
we are as unaware of its departure as its arrival. 


The gentle breeze makes no announcement or warning of its departure;
we just realize it is not there any longer. 


The gentle breeze leaves us feeling refreshed and nourished;
we are revitalized and transformed.

Imagine what life would be like if we shared our love, gratitude, compassion and forgiveness like a gentle breeze.  Imagine for a moment the inner peace we would feel, and the inner peace we would be sharing with our brothers and sisters.  Imagine the good that would be realized for human kind and our soul journeys.

May your life be lived like a gentle breeze.

Shanti, Namaste, Agapé,

Comments (2)

1. Bonnie Charron said on 1/20/14 - 07:39AM
Well said, a great sentiment for a New Year.
2. Robert Meagher said on 1/20/14 - 11:11AM
Thank you for following along, Bonnie. I am glad you enjoyed the post. Shanti

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Shanti, Namaste, Agapé,

Rev. Robert Meagher