Marching to the beat of your own drum : Spiritual Guidance Blog
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Marching to the beat of your own drum

by Robert Meagher on 10/02/16

“We can all play our own melody, but together we can live in harmony.”

I recently had the delightful experience of participating in a drumming circle. The drumming circle was led by local Therapeutic Music Facilitator, Nigel E. Harris ( Having experienced similar events in the past, and not particularly enjoying them, I had my reservations about this particular experience. But before I attended, I consciously chose to let go of the past experiences, enter into this particular evening with no expectations, and enjoy myself. And enjoy myself I did!

The evening began with some ritualistic customs born from the indigenous peoples of our land, including the reading of blessings and the burning of sage and sweet grass. With the intoxicating and blissful smell of incense wafting through the air, our drumming circle leader began the playing with a simple rhythm.

With the unspoken, but ever-present, invitation to join in with our own rhythm at any time, one by one, each member of the drumming circle gently, some tentatively, added their own beat to the drumming circle. As each new rhythm and beat was added to the experience, a rich and expansive texture filled the air. There were moments of dis-harmony, and moments of dropping out of rhythm, but the energy of the moment always brought us back into harmony with each other.

As we allowed ourselves to be moved by the energy of each other’s drumming, the beats and rhythms coalesced, merged, and rose to a hypnotic and almost ecstatic experience. I became lost in the energy and let go of earthly senses. An awareness of the numina came rushing in and I lost sense and touch with the physical world.

I had moments of moving back and forth between this physical world and the realm of Spirit. Images, sensations, flashbacks to earlier life experiences flooded through my awareness. Insights became crystal clear and teachings emerged and blessed me.

Perhaps most poignantly, I welcomed the awareness that we can all play our own melody, but together we can live in harmony. The drumming circle was a message, loud and clear, for peace and harmony at this time in our existence on Mother Earth / Father Sky. We can each have our beliefs and experiences, but it is possible to join with others in harmony and live in peace. Indeed, our individual beats and rhythms ad a rich tapestry to human existence and should be celebrated and embraced.

As in any relationship, we play our own instrument. But when we join with others, together we can make beautiful music.

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Shanti, Namaste, Agapé,

Rev. Robert Meagher