Nothing is Beautiful : Spiritual Guidance Blog
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Nothing is Beautiful

by Robert Meagher on 02/04/18

When I began writing passages for this monthly newsletter almost 10 years ago, I would sometimes get anxious and nervous about what to write about. If something to write about came easy, great! But if I could not think about what to write about, I would get worried. I felt a pressure, a self-imposed expectation, to write about something meaningful and worthwhile.

With each passing year I became more and more relaxed about what to write about. This relaxation often allowed me to stop worrying about what there was to write about. If anything, the relaxation paved the way for ‘allowing’ the message and words to come through me. There were many times when the passages flowed effortlessly from my mind, through my hands, onto to keyboard. But I would often wonder what would happen, if on any given month, I had nothing to write about.

Last month presented me with such a gift—the gift of having nothing to write about. Granted, all around me there were certainly newsworthy items and experiences being reported by media. The Holiday Season blessed us with its annual presence. I experienced a wonderful month full of joy and spirit-led unfolding. But nothing really inspired me to write about a certain event or experience.

I then realized that I really had nothing I wanted to write about. There was a momentary pang of anxiety. “Oh my God! Nothing to write about???!!! How can that happen???!!! How can I allow that to happen???!!!” But those fleeting thoughts passed quickly and I snuggled in to this ‘nothingness’ like a serene afternoon nap, under a big fluffy duvet, on a cold winter’s afternoon.

I became quite content in the nothingness. I relaxed into it. I allowed it to simply be. It was in the nothingness, as shared with me through nothing to write about, that I welcomed the beauty of ‘nothing.’

No-thing truly is beautiful. When there is no expectations, no pressure, no guilt, no emotional attachment to what is, simply ‘being’ and ‘allowing’ to be what is. It was truly freeing. It was peace.

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Shanti, Namaste, Agapé,

Rev. Robert Meagher