Stories, Drop the Stories
by Robert Meagher on 06/02/21
Recently, I’ve become aware of something that is significant
for my healing. This awareness brings with it the opportunity for me to heal
myself and bring me peace. It’s not a revelation necessarily, just a very
simple, plain truth.
I have noticed that whenever I react to anything or anyone
with anything other the love, there is a ‘story’ playing itself out in my head.
My reaction to a thing or person in a given situation, may range from
annoyance, aggravation, or anger, to mild irritation, curiosity, or disbelief.
Written all over my reaction is judgement. It is a perception, or observation,
that whatever or whoever it is I am seeing is not conforming with the way I
think it, or she/he, should be.
Why is this awareness significant? When I recognize there is
a judgement or perception being projected, I become aware that there is a story
playing itself out in my head. The story may be about the way I think something
or someone should be or behave. The story may be about how I think something or
someone should be, instead of how it is, or she/he is. Whenever I wish for
something or someone to be other than what it is, or the person is, dis-ease
results. I am pulled out of my peace.
If I choose to look at what is unfolding, I can recognize
that the story playing out in my head is something from the past repeating
itself. This story is typically associated with some sense of loss, grievance,
or hurt. The story is never about the event unfolding. The story is always
about some unresolved matter from my past.
The gift of this awareness, and the opportunity for healing,
rests in my choice to not react to the unfolding event or situation. But to
bring my awareness into my daily meditation and stillness and unpack the story.
I examine the story and allow it to reveal to me the illusion of my loss,
grievance, or hurt. I allow the story to show me what it is I’m holding on to that
is causing me pain. When I get to the core issue(s) of my story, I then lay the
foundation for forgiveness. As I allow forgiveness to enter my mind, I am
To recap, I carry around unconscious stories from my
early-life conditioning. These stories play themselves out whenever I react to
anything or anyone with anything other than love. If I look at these stories, I
can uncover my blockages to love. When I uncover my blockages to love, I can
forgive myself. Forgiveness heals me and brings me peace.
Robert Meagher has
been ordained as an Interfaith Minister and certified as a Sacred Attention Therapy (SAT) Therapist. Robert is the Founder and Spiritual
Director for Spiritual Guidance and Co-Founder of the Center for Human Awakening.