The Blooming and Healing of Creation : Spiritual Guidance Blog
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The Blooming and Healing of Creation

by Robert Meagher on 06/23/15

“If we lose our relationship with nature, we lose inevitably our relationship with humans.”



Last month (May) lived up to its reputation and reminded me why May is my favorite month of the year.  It is the month in Canada that offers the most splendid manifestation of the blooming of nature’s palette of ‘creation’.

Winters can sometimes feel long and arduous.  We can have snowfall well into April and temperatures can be slow to moderate.  So it is with great joy, excitement and anticipation that May brings with it warmer temperatures and the splendour of nature’s creation.

There is something almost surreal, something awe-inspiring, about watching tender shoots peek their heads up through the ground even before all the snow has disappeared.  And as each day warms up and the sun casts its warmth on the earth, more and more of nature’s creations burst forth and bloom.

Gaia offers a painter’s palette of colour, texture, shape, size, and form.  Together, this canvas becomes a work of art for the senses.  More than that, Gaia’s creations extend a healing energy that is so palpable, even a sorrowful heart opens, gladdens and smiles.

I notice this blooming energy affecting everyone is ways that can only be described as ‘love’.  People seem to walk with a lighter step, seem to have a closer connection to nature, and seem to be more compassionate and caring toward one another.  There is demonstration after demonstration of people being more loving to one another.

As I watch the splendour of Gaia’s creations bloom and blossom, and as I watch this life-giving energy be passed among everyone around me, I ponder how these gifts of creation offer abundant healing potential for humanity.  What is it about the ‘event’ of Spring that fills our hearts with joy and lifts our spirits to new heights?  What can we take from this time of year—Spring—and apply to everyday of our life?  What would life be like if the blooming and healing qualities of Spring—nature’s creation—were with us in every moment of every day?

I invite you to ponder the possibilities of what this time of year offers you and how we may extend this blooming and healing to everyone and everything around us.  What would this form of unconditional, loving existence mean for you?  What would it mean for humanity?

Shanti, Namaste, Agapé,

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Shanti, Namaste, Agapé,

Rev. Robert Meagher