Welcome to the New World! : Spiritual Guidance Blog
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Welcome to the New World!

by Robert Meagher on 03/27/13

“As the sun is not sullied by the defects of external objects, so the inner soul of all beings is not sullied by the misery of the world”.

The Upanishads

Well…here we are!  December 21, 2012, has come and gone and we are still here…right here!  What happened?  According to Hollywood and some scientific communities’ portrayal of the Mayan prophecies, weren’t we all supposed to have exploded or morphed into some new enlightened being?  Weren’t the chosen ones supposed to have ascended to a new state or level of consciousness while those souls who were asleep were destined to eternal misery and damnation?  I sort of feel jipped!  NOT!!!

I have never felt so positive, uplifted and optimistic about our future as right now!

Without anyone really knowing what cosmic or energetic portal we just passed through from mid-late December, it is undeniable for many that ‘something’ did take place throughout 2012 that has forever changed the consciousness—and evolutionary trajectory—of humankind.  And I believe, as a human race, we have passed through a sort of gate to a new world order.

My optimism is rooted in the very reality that may appear, to some, to be death, destruction, misery, war and strife.  Indeed, one doesn’t need to look very far to see unprecedented upheaval and unrest on our planet.  All of our major worldly systems appear to be teetering on the brink of collapse—environmental systems; economic and financial systems; geo-political relationships; religious and faith institutions; education systems; and medical / health-care systems.  All of these pillars of our world appear to be in some form of decay.  Or is this decay really something else?  It is in looking this potpourri of chaos straight in the eye, that I have started to see reason for great hope, joy, and optimism.

A dear soul friend, Rev. Dr. Doug Henderson, writes in this newsletter about “The Caterpillar—Butterfly Metaphor”.  In his thought-provoking article, he writes about the transformation of the caterpillar into the butterfly as an evolutionary process.  The caterpillar greedily gorges itself until it becomes so grotesquely overweight it cannot move anymore.  The caterpillar goes into a sort of hibernation and, through a process of disintegration, a new, beautiful creature emerges—a butterfly.

I believe that at this time in human evolution and transformation, we are experiencing what the caterpillar—butterfly metaphor offers us—transformation to a new, beautiful existence and world order.  All of our systems mentioned previously are in a state of transformation.  The way we have operated through these systems will no longer work.  A new way of ‘being’ is emerging.  And it is the emergence of this new world order that I intend and trust will be of ever-lasting peace, joy and love.

As a human race we have learned our lessons well.  We are coming to know the old ways of greed, competition, self-preservation at all cost, and capitalism will no longer sustain our planet and humankind.  Through these lessons we have emerged, like the butterfly, from hibernation and are opening ourselves to new and unlimited possibilities as we take flight.  Fasten your seat-belts!  While it’s going to be a bit of a bumpy ride, it’s going to be the ride of your life!  All aboard!  Welcome to the new world!

Shanti, Namaste, Agapé,

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Shanti, Namaste, Agapé,

Rev. Robert Meagher