When it flows, you know it’s right… : Spiritual Guidance Blog
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When it flows, you know it’s right…

by Robert Meagher on 05/02/16

In recent years I have been blessed to recognize when the initiatives and adventures I embark on are right for me at the time. It hasn’t always been this way, and I still sometimes ignore the messages and signs, but it’s much easier for me to know if something I have undertaken is the right thing at the time.

When I worked in traditional jobs and settings, one of the overarching principles and paradigms was to set a goal and don’t stop until you have achieved it. Sometimes achieving the goal was easy. But many times there was much struggle and sometimes you just felt like giving up. I taught myself that ‘when the going gets tough, the tough get going’…and I would labor on in the face of seemingly insurmountable obstacles. While there was always a sense of accomplishment associated with my victories and successes, there often were also battle scars to be treated and/or ‘showed off,’ depending on the situation.

That old way of working has given way to a new approach—an approach of recognizing and accepting that if things are meant to be, they will flow easily; if they are not, I will be shown. I no longer struggle with things I undertake. I set my intention and start the journey. If things go smoothly or manifest quickly, I know it is right and meant to be. If things don’t go smoothly, then I accept it as a sign that it may not be the right time to undertake such an effort.

This new approach does not mean I halt all production, give up, and drop everything I have been doing. What it does mean is I accept that life doesn’t have this, whatever it is, in mind for me right now. Maybe it means stopping; maybe it means taking a step back and re-evaluating what I am doing; maybe it means making modifications and taking a different approach. But what is absent is the struggling, the trying to force things, the anger, frustration, and resentment that something hasn’t worked out the way I intended it to.

When life flows, you know it’s right. When it doesn’t, consider asking yourself what’s going on. Life doesn’t lie.

Shanti, Namaste, Agapé,

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Shanti, Namaste, Agapé,

Rev. Robert Meagher