Where do you find your inspiration? : Spiritual Guidance Blog
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Where do you find your inspiration?

by Robert Meagher on 12/04/15

Where do you find your inspiration? The answer to this question will pave your way to peace, joy, and love.

There are many forms of inspiration. Perhaps it is in words; in a poem or story. Perhaps it is in children. Maybe you are inspired by family members, friends, or celebrities. Your inspiration may come from nature—the land or oceans—or from the infinite wonder of the heavens. You may be inspired by animals, or flowers, or a kind gesture shown to someone by another.

Whatever inspires you, embrace it. Allow it to enter your very being and lead you to live the life you have always wanted to live—a life you are destined to live.

All of us could use some inspiration in our lives. All of us can use a ‘pick-me-up’ now and then. Until you discover your very own personal reservoir of inspiration, allow that which inspires you to lift you up and carry you to new heights of freedom and majesty.

Let your wings take flight and allow your soul to soar…high, high above the confusion and malaise of this world. This is not where you are supposed to be. Allow life to show you its majesty. Allow life to be your strength as you walk each day in gratitude and grace. Allow the winds of change to gently caress you and lead you where you need to go. Don’t resist.

Shanti, Namaste, Agapé,

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Shanti, Namaste, Agapé,

Rev. Robert Meagher