Spiritual Guidance is led by Rev. Robert Meagher, an Inter-Faith Minister, who offers blessings and visitation 
services to the infirm, sick and dying. Spiritual Guidance gratefully receives your donations for these services. 
Please contact us at 613-204-0299 or if you are in need of these services.

In addition, as part of these ministry services focused on serving the infirm, sick and dying, Spiritual Guidance extends a heart-felt offer to serve your loved ones based on the ancient Buddhist practice of "Phowa". Many believe they are helpless in assisting their loved-ones during times of terminal illness and/or when they are dying. Many believe there is nothing that can be done to bring their loved-ones peace or ease their suffering. Furthermore, many believe that after their loved-ones have past through the veil of death, there is nothing that can be done to continue guiding them to a peaceful passing and rebirth. This is not the case. If you are asking yourself, "If I or my loved-one are not Buddhist and/or do not believe in Buddhism or any form of God, is there any conflict"? The simple answer is no. The Phowa practice invokes the truth of compassion and love that crosses faith / spiritual traditions and beliefs. If Spiritual Guidance can be of service to you in this way, please:

1. Email us ( a picture of your loved-one (in a standard graphical format; for example: .jpeg, .gif, .pdf, etc.). 

2. Provide your loved-one's name (first name is all that is necessary) and their date of passing (if applicable).

3. We will add your loved-ones to our Phowa practice and pray for them daily.


​Spiritual Guidance is an Inter-Faith ministry initiative and is based on the following principles:

  • Celebrate all the great faith and spiritual traditions including, but not limited to: Buddhism, Christianity, 
         Hinduism, Islam, Judaism, Taoism, and the B'aha'i Faith.
  • Seek the common ground among the great faith traditions as a seed for love, inner peace, and peace 
         throughout the world.
  • Adopt a philosophy of “in addition to”, not “instead of”. This philosophy is celebrated by integrating 
         Buddhism “in addition to” Christianity, “in addition to” Hinduism, “in addition to”…and so on. Practicing
         one faith tradition “instead of” another only serves to keep us separated from each other and ourselves.

Inter-Faith ministry invites a theology common among all great faith and spiritual traditions:

  • Omniscient – Spirit knows everything.
  • Omnipresent – Spirit is always present.
  • Omnipotent – Spirit can do anything and everything.

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