​Sacred Attention Therapy (SAT) references the etymological meaning of therapy: "attending to soul." SAT is a new paradigm of psychological and spiritual growth and development based on the work of Richard Harvey and his 3-stage model of human awakening. This approach takes into account the ego-based individual and the desire of the individual to “progress” spiritually. SAT recognizes the fundamental, true, spiritual nature of humanity and the intense longing for the truth about our real, divine state. SAT involves listening with the whole self to the soul of the other. This is what therapy should always be, or at least always aim at, because this is the profound depth of healing and reverence which two gathered together in search of truth can bring about. 

SAT is an approach to liberation. First, liberation from the conditioned self. Second, liberation from the fulfillment of our true nature and, third, liberation into the life of spiritual discipline. This threefold process is known as the Three Stages of Awakening.

The first stage involves discovering the origins of personality and defensive character and revitalizing those parts of our psycho-physical organism which have become frozen, contracted, or deadened by the overwhelming experience of emotion, mental dilemma, or physical threat. Through a gentle, thorough process of healing reflection, sharing, and release, we attain the condition of acceptance of the whole self without reserve and through forgiveness assume the self-responsibility which augurs the rising out of self-consciousness into the realms of heart and authenticity.

The second stage involves the discovery of compassion, the significance of the impersonal nature of love itself, as we modulate through layers of perception to the relative truth that love is, in spite of ourselves and our seeming separation from others and events. We increasingly relinquish our tight hold on identity, separation, and division and deepen in the heart of simplicity, authenticity, and relative enlightenment, as we free ourselves from the bondage of the delusion of ultimate ego-embodied satisfaction.

The third stage is living the life of spiritual truth per se. Through layers of revelation and insight which span the borderline between the second and third stages of awakening, we prepare ourselves for the life beyond searching. Spiritual practice becomes central in our lives and in the purest experience we live in the world in surrender and love, and the transcendent state of unity.

So... SAT is the practice of a metapsychology that embraces the psycho-spiritual nature of the human being in its fullness and completeness. 

Below is a summary of the stages and elements that SAT integrates:

Stage 1: The Process of Self-Discovery:
  • Family Beliefs
  • Life Statements
  • Emotional-Behavioral Patterns
  • Emotional Suppression
  • Sub-Personalities
  • Character Strategies
  • Central Character Dynamic

Stage 2: The Transformation into Authenticity:
  • Becoming Who You Are
  • Responding From the Heart
  • Stabilizing in Transformation
  • Ways to Realization

Stage 3: The Source of Consciousness:
  • Becoming the True Self
  • Realizing Our True Nature
  • Perpetual Illumination

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