​Satsang is a Sanskrit word meaning "purity or truth in group or association." The literal translation of Satsang is often expressed as "Sitting in the company of truth." The traditional Satsang has a group of people sitting in the company of the guru. Questions are asked of the guru who offers spiritual teaching. These Silent Satsangs will invite participants to develop and nurture a relationship with their own guru, their 'higher Self,' and find the answers they need at their spiritual altar. These gatherings will indeed see you 'sitting in the company of Truth'...the Truth that is YOU.

These Silent Satsangs take place on the 2nd Thursday of each month from 0900 - 1000 Eastern time, via a Zoom videoconference call. 

Please bring with you to each Silent Satsang a notebook and writing implement.

These gatherings are offered from the heart. Your donation is gratefully accepted for participation. Your donation will be offered to Spiritual Guidance, your host's ministry initiative, and is possible through the [DONATE] button to the right.

Express your interest in the Silent Satsang by emailing 

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Your host for these Silent Satsangs will be Robert Meagher. Robert is Co-Founder of the Center for Human Awakening and Founder of the ministry initiative Spiritual Guidance. Robert has been ordained as an Interfaith Minister, and is certified as a Psycho-Spiritual Psychotherapist (Level 1 and Level 2) through the Center for Human Awakening. Robert's initiation to silence as a sacred and healing presence was realized in his late teens when he found himself at the top of a mountain over 2,000 meters high. Sitting at the top of this mountain, overlooking the solitary vastness below him, Robert closed his eyes and became aware of a presence in the exquisite silence, a sound in the silence. Robert's enduring love of silence and solitude has remained with him throughout his life. He has learned that the silence he experienced at the top of that mountain all those years ago offers everything one needs for their healing, their very existence. Robert welcomes you to share with him the sacred and healing presence of silence.