Spiritual Guidance is a spiritual ministry initiative that offers its services on a donation basis. Those engaging in Sacred Attention Therapy are invited to participate in a complimentary 30-45 minute introductory session to allow the client and therapist to meet each other and get to know one another. 

Please note this introductory session is not a therapy / counselling session but an opportunity for both the client and the therapist to ask each other questions to help determine if Sacred Attention Therapy can be helpful for the seeker at this time.

After the introductory session, prospective clients will be invited to consider whether they wish to proceed with therapy / counselling. If so, clients may be invited to participate in an initial series of 3-5, 60-90 minute sessions (the frequency and timing of these sessions can be discussed with your therapist / counsellor). After the initial series of 3-5 sessions, ongoing therapy / counselling sessions can also be arranged. 

​Spiritual Guidance does not charge a 'fee' for services rendered. As stated above, we offer our services on a donation basis. After the complimentary introductory session, clients are invited to make a minimum donation for these services per the sliding-scale donation guidelines below.

  • Adults (20 years and older)

             $80 CAD / hour

  • ​Seniors (60 years and older)

             $60 CAD / hour

  • Students and Youth (19 years and under)

             $40 CAD / hour

  • Other

             No one is refused services based solely on an inability to offer a donation. If your personal situation does not enable you to make a donation 
             for services rendered per the sliding-scale donation guidelines above, please discuss your situation prior to your appointment.

Donations are requested a minimum of 48 hours before your scheduled session. Donations can be made:

  • Online via the [Donate] button on the home page of the Spiritual Guidance website
  • With cash

If your donation is not received at least 48 hours in advance of your scheduled session, you will be forfeiting your session. Full refunds are available up to 48 hours in advance of your session if your cancellation is received in person, by phone (613-204-0299) or email. If you cancel within 48 hours of your appointment, your donation will be held 'on credit' until you reschedule your appointment. If you cancel within 48 hours of your appointment, and you choose not to reschedule your appointment, you will be forfeiting your donation. 

Refer to this page for information about your therapist's education and training related to his therapy / counselling practice.
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